LAUNCHED: February 13, 2022
Sunday Services @ 3pm
Meets @ Northgate Church
220 Main St, Haslet, TX
Church website:
To Know Christ Better and to Make Him Known
Why plant a church*?
- Church planting is a central part of God’s mission to form a new people of God (Ephesians 1:3-14, 1 Peter 2:4-10).
- Christ loves the church and promised to build it (Matthew 16:18).
- God grows His church by adding those who are saved (1 Corinthians 3:6, Acts 2:47).
- God’s plan goes beyond rescuing the lost to transforming lives, families, and communities (Parable of salt and light — Matthew 5:13-16; of yeast — Matthew 13:33; and ministry of Jesus and apostles).
- The Great Commission implicitly includes church planting (teaching, baptizing, discipling all nations — Matthew 28:18-20).
- The task of evangelism is complete only when people are brought into the fold of the church (Luke 14:23, 15:1-10).
- The book of Acts demonstrates that new churches are the normal and necessary result of evangelism and disciple-making. (Acts 14:21-28)
- Church planting is central to Pauline understanding and practice of mission (Romans 15:19-20, 1 Corinthians 3:5-6).
* scriptural foundations courtesy of the EFCA
What will Haslet Bible Church look like?
Church Profile
This is intended to be an independent Bible Church that is Free Grace in its soteriology, Dispensational in its understanding of redemptive history, and Expositional in its preaching and teaching.
Haslet, TX
Most churches in this area are denominational, charismatic, seeker-sensitive
Launched February 2022
We are not planting a satellite campus of BCBC. Rather, once this new church’s leadership is established, it becomes incorporated, they have their own by-laws, and have basic programming running (all likely taking 2-3 years) this will be an independent church.
What does Haslet Bible Church need?
First, we would ask that you pray for this new work.
Secondly, we would ask that you prayerfully consider participating in Haslet Bible Church.
- Your participation could be through becoming part of the launch team of families. It is so important to have critical-mass of people to help welcome new people from the community while a new church grows and gets on its feet. Some may be in this for the long haul, eventually calling this new church their church-home. For others, this will simply be an amazing season of helping begin something new for the glory of God.
- The Lord may also desire to use you as part of a setup team to help physically prepare our rented space for services.
Finally, please prayerfully consider giving toward the finances that will be needed to help establish and grow this new church.