Care Flock
Leader: Chris Shimpf
Phone: 682-305-8168
Meeting Location: BCBC
Meeting Days: Once Every 6 Weeks – Thursday PM
Meeting Time: TBD
Summary: A group that focuses on chronic needs in our church, providing support for those who need it, and studying how to better serve others.
What We are Studying: Improving Your Serve – Charles Swindoll
Missions Outreach: BCBC Members
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Leader: Travis Ham
Phone: 817-781-9923
Meeting Location: Zoom
Meeting Days: Every Friday
Meeting Time: 7:30 – 9:00am
Summary: Study, fellowship, prayer, and strong coffee for young dads (husbands & singles w/o kids are welcome too!)
What We are Studying: 2 Peter
Missions Outreach: “Burgen”
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Leader: Grace Grooms
Phone: 817-781-7982
Meeting Location: Ham House
Meeting Days: Every other Thursday
Meeting Time: 7:00pm
Summary: Prayer, Bible study, & fellowship
What We are Studying: Titus 2:4-5
Missions Outreach: Paul & Alla Mitskevich
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Families w/ Kids – DeGeorge
Leader: Matt DeGeorge
Phone: 503-422-1364
Meeting Location: BCBC
Meeting Days: 3rd Saturdays
Meeting Time: 4:30 – 6:30pm
Summary: Fellowship, Bible study, & prayer for young families with children.
What We are Studying: The Talks (how to communicate with your kids)
Missions Outreach: Community Storehouse & Bullers (Germany)
Flock to Nations: Sharon Campbell
Childcare Options: On-Site
Families w/ Kids – Ware – FULL/AT CAPACITY
Leader: Justin Ware
Phone: 214-207-8273
Meeting Location: Ware House (N Fort Worth)
Meeting Days: 2nd or 3rd Saturdays
Meeting Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Summary: A time of fellowship and prayer, a shared meal, and games for families with or without children.
What We are Studying: TBD
Missions Outreach: Mitskevich (Russia)
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: On-Site
Families w/ Kids – Skaria
Leader: Naveen Skaria
Assistant Leader: Jake Beliveau
Phone: 408-859-7614
Meeting Location: Skaria House (NRH)
Meeting Days: 2nd Saturdays
Meeting Time: 4-7pm
Summary: A time of fellowship and prayer, for families with children.
What We are Studying: Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
Missions Outreach: D & R Buller
Flock to Nations: S & G Grooms
Childcare Options: On-Site
J.O.Y. (Just Older Youth) Senior Ladies
Leader: Pat Landers
Phone: 817-798-9341
Meeting Location: Landers House
Meeting Days: 3rd Thursdays
Meeting Time: 3:00pm
Summary: A group of “seasoned” women that focus on the unique challenges that age provides.
What We are Studying: TBD
Missions Outreach: CEF
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Keller – Maurer
Leader: Bob Maurer
Phone: 817-913-0093
Meeting Location: Maurer House
Meeting Days: 2nd & 4th Sunday
Meeting Time: 6:00 – 8:30pm
Summary: Fellowship, prayer, and Bible study
What We are Studying: Bible Potpourri
Missions Outreach: Paul & Alla Mitskevich
Flock to Nations: Marge Panter
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Keller – McAfee
Leader: Logan McAfee
Phone: 972-892-7647
Meeting Location: McAfee House
Meeting Days: Sundays
Meeting Time: 5-7pm
Summary: 20’s-30’s
What We are Studying: TBD
Missions Outreach: Mercy House
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: TBD
Keller – Salvesen
Leader: John Salvesen
Assistant Leader: Zach Warner
Phone: 817-614-5677
Meeting Location: BCBC
Meeting Days: Mostly 4th Sundays
Meeting Time: 5:00pm
Summary: A general group for any age that wants to meet for fellowship and study
What We are Studying: How to Share the Gospel
Missions Outreach: Pastor Adalberto – Mexico
Flock to Nations: Sara Keyes
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Keller – Samuel
Leader: Roy Samuel
Assistant Leader: Binu Samuel
Phone: 646-831-2980
Meeting Location: BCBC
Meeting Days: 1st & 3rd Sundays
Meeting Time: 4:00-6:00pm
Summary: Doing life together through fellowship, prayer, and bible study.
What We are Studying: The Names of God by Tony Evans
Missions Outreach: Fittz
Flock to Nations: Taylor & Lois Cowan
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Men’s Accountability
Leader: Rotates (Dennis Hunt is the main contact)
Phone: 817-733-7705
Meeting Location: BCBC
Meeting Days: Tuesdays
Meeting Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Summary: Accountability
What We are Studying: Celebrate Recovery Material
Missions Outreach: “Wallace”
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Fort Worth – McDaniel
Leader: Kyle McDaniel
Phone: 214-931-0939
Meeting Location: Home/Church (TBD)
Meeting Days: Sundays after church / lunch
Meeting Time: 1pm
Summary: fellowship, prayer, review sermon
What We are Studying: Discuss that day’s sermon
Missions Outreach: TBD
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: On-Site
North Richland Hills – Lemont
Leader: Gary Lemont
Phone: 817-975-4042
Meeting Location: Fulton Home
Meeting Days: Every other Saturday
Meeting Time: 6:00pm
Summary: Fellowship, prayer, and Bible study/discussion
What We are Studying: Selected Bible passages
Missions Outreach: Missionary care packages/outreach per group desires
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: No Childcare
NW Tarrant – Montandon
Leader: Cody Montandon
Phone: 817-905-9459
Meeting Location: BCBC
Meeting Days: 2nd & 4th Sundays
Meeting Time: 12:30-3:00pm
Summary: Fellowship, prayer and Bible study & food
What We are Studying: Systematic Theology
Missions Outreach: GraceLife
Flock to Nations: Donna McDaniel
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Leader: Dennis Hunt
Phone: 817-733-7705
Meeting Location: Hunt House
Meeting Days: 2nd Saturdays
Meeting Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Summary: Fellowship, food, and encouragement. This flock focuses on the unique needs of Christians who either choose to be single or have become single.
What We are Studying: Sermon On the Mount
Missions Outreach: Free Grace Alliance
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Sweet Fellowship – Hines
Leader: Jamie Hines
Phone: 214-213-2602
Meeting Location: Hines House
Meeting Days: 2nd & 4th Sunday
Meeting Time: 4:00 – 6:00pm
Summary: Prayer, fellowship, and encouraging each other in our spiritual growth. Group is primarily 40’s-50’s.
What We are Studying: TBD
Missions Outreach: Dr. Faustin (TLAfrica)
Flock to Nations: Jim & Dawn Brace
Childcare Options: No Childcare
Worship Team – Ham
Leader: Travis Ham
Phone: 817-781-9923
Meeting Location: Varies
Meeting Days: 3rd Saturday
Meeting Time: 5:00pm – 7:00pm
Summary: For families of folks on the Worship Team to gather for time in the Word, song, fellowship, and prayer
What We are Studying: TBD
Missions Outreach: Nazarkevych – Ukraine
Flock to Nations: TBD
Childcare Options: On-Site