Next Marriage Boot Camp dates are:
- Level 2: August 16, 2025 (Saturday afternoon/evening)
- Level 1: October 11and 12, 2025 (Saturday & Sunday afternoon/evening)
Register today!
How about a tune-up for your marriage with a small group (3-5 couples) from BCBC?
Through the use of large group teaching, small group interaction, male/female groups, and individual couple meetings, we’ll cover topics including Commitment (purposes of marriage, nature of relationship), Communication, Conflict Resolution, Forgiveness, Intimacy, Anger, and Trust.
We now offer 2 Levels:
Level 1 is a wonderful two-day (Saturday and Sunday afternoon/evening) intensive that centers mainly around the foundations of marriage (Genesis 1-2), the ways men and women were uniquely affected by the Fall (Genesis 3), and how marriage should function as a redemptive gift from the Lord as husbands and wives restore one another (Ephesians 5, 1 Peter 3, etc.).
Level 2 is an encouraging one-day (Saturday afternoon/evening) intensive for couples who have already been through Level 1. It builds on those foundations and centers around cultivating greater intimacy within marriage by walking through God’s pattern for marital intimacy as outlined in the Song of Solomon.
BCBC’s Marriage Boot Camps are facilitated by:
- Pastor John Salvesen
- a guest professional counselor
Confidentiality will be respected.
Where: BCBC
Cost: $25 per couple. This will cover two meals prepared by BCBC Team and childcare for children up to age 10 on both days (parents provide food for children).
Please sign up through the questionnaire below. Thanks! Both Spouses must complete the form in order for the registration to be complete.