“Being a Biblical Role Model”
2025 Events
Bible Study
Wednesday Night Bible Study
A discussion of the sermon series on Proverbs (“Words to Make You Wise”).
6:30 – 8:00 pm (childcare provided – AWANA)
Saturday Morning Men’s Bible Study
John: Jesus is the Christ (Gospel of John begins on Saturday, August 24th)
Every Other Saturday (Starting Saturday, April 27th) | BCBC Room 14 or Zoom | 7:00 AM
Email Dean Gillitzer to be added to the email invite
(no childcare)
Tuesday Night Men’s Accountability Group and Support Group
Men helping men live a Christ-honoring life.
Every Tuesday | BCBC Student Area | 7:00 – 9:00 PM
Email Dennis Hunt to join
(no childcare)
Men’s Breakfasts @ 8:00 am
- February 8th
- May 3rd
- August 9th
Men’s BBQ Feast
- October 25
Sports Fellowship and Evangelism
Keller Tennis Friends
Contact John Salvesen for more information.
Purpose of BCBC’s Ministry of Men (B.I.G.)
The purpose of B.I.G. (Brothers In Christ) is to help men become disciples– men who are called to walk with Christ, equipped to live like Christ, and sent to work for Christ (2 Timothy 3:15-17). If you would like to dig deeper into our philosophy of ministry, you can read about it here.
Ministry of Men Team
Heath Allsup
Pramod Abraham
Michael Garcia
Naveen Skaria
Charlie Brooks
Charley Howard
John Albin
Troy Godwin